You may not be happy with your smile and are looking for solutions if:
- You feel that you show too much gum when you smile or that your gum is too prominent.
- Your teeth look too small or you show so much gum that you feel it takes away from them.
What is the gummy smile?
The term gummy smile is used to describe the exposure of the upper gingival tissue when smiling naturally. That is, they are those smiles that show the gums more than desired.
It is important to keep in mind that it is an aesthetic appreciation and perception, so it varies from person to person. However, it has been shown that a smile is perceived as a gingival smile or high smile when 4 mm of gingiva or more is shown.
If your gummy smile is having an impact on your confidence and well-being, it may be a good time to take action. Many patients are unaware of the treatment possibilities to correct it.
Gummy smile treatments
The starting point is to study, diagnose and determine the exact cause, because once the origin is understood, it will lead us directly to the appropriate solution.
The gummy smile depends on different characteristics of our physiognomy such as the proportions of the teeth, gums and upper jaw, the position of the upper lip and its mobility or gestures when smiling.
These are the causes of a gummy smile:
- The amount of gingiva that is exposed.
- The size and shape of the teeth.
- The vertical position of the maxilla and upper teeth in relation to the rest of the face and skull.
- The length and degree of mobility of the upper lip.
Knowing the origin of the gummy smile, and evaluating all the factors involved, the treatment decision is made:
Treatment for gummy smile caused by excess gingival tissue
In this case, the appropriate treatment is periodontal surgery.
This treatment removes part of the gingival tissue and gives it the correct shape to achieve longer and more uniform teeth.
Treatment for gummy smile caused by excess gingival tissue
In this case, the ideal treatment is through orthodontics, whether invisible braces, aesthetic braces or any other similar technique.
Thanks to this process, the teeth are placed in the right place, thus leveling the gum. After orthodontics, the teeth are treated to achieve a perfect smile.
Treatment for gummy smile caused by tooth decay
In this case, the ideal treatment is through orthodontics, whether invisible braces, aesthetic braces or any other similar technique.
Gracias a este proceso, los dientes se colocan en el lugar correcto, nivelando así la encía. After orthodontics, the teeth are treated to achieve a perfect smile.
Treatment for gummy smile caused by lip
The upper lip can cause a gummy smile for a number of reasons.
The first is the “hypermobile” lip, that is, the upper lip has too much movement when smiling.
For this case there are different solutions:
1. Treatment of infiltrations with Botox to temporarily paralyze these muscles or reduce their movement. Keep in mind that botox for the gummy smile should be performed every 6 months.
2. Surgery to prevent the lip from rising more than desired. This surgery can be an incredible cosmetic change. At the MiravéCo Clinic in Barcelona it is performed by the maxillofacial surgeon or plastic surgeon and its great advantage is that the results are permanent.
Gummy smile in children
The gummy smile is also common in children and the treatments in the little ones are just as effective.
After studying, diagnosing and determining exactly the cause of your gummy smile, the least invasive and comfortable treatment will be recommended to facilitate the process.
Personalized treatment for your case
As you can see, the gummy smile exists for several reasons that are sometimes combined with each other, a correct diagnosis is key to solving the problem.
Our specialists will be in charge of studying your case and making a personalized diagnosis to find the ideal solution.
We help you achieve a more beautiful smile, according to your personality and that boosts your emotional well-being.