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Care instructions for canker sores

Who has never had a canker sore in the mouth?
Canker sores are painful white sores in the mouth. They usually start with a stinging sensation. This is followed by a red spot that turns white and is moderately bothersome.

Canker sores most often appear on the tongue, inside the cheeks and inside the lips. They can become very painful, even causing your child to not speak, eat and drink normally.

A canker sore can form after an injury or stretching of the tissues in the mouth. This can occur, for example, during a dental procedure or a dental cleaning, so at Miravéco we are very careful to avoid these discomforts and warn of the importance of not biting the tongue or the inside of the cheek when we are under anesthesia. Other causes are infections, certain foods and stress. Canker sores are not contagious from person to person.

Your child’s canker sore should improve in 7 to 10 days and should heal completely in 1 to 3 weeks. In most cases, canker sores go away on their own. Home treatment can relieve pain and discomfort. If your child has a large or deep canker sore that does not seem to improve after 2 weeks, it is important to bring your child to the clinic so that specific treatment can be prescribed.

Follow-up care is a critical part of your child’s treatment and safety. Be sure to keep all appointments, and call us if there are any complications or unforeseen events with the recovery.

How can you take care of your child’s canker sores at home?

It is important for your child to drink cold liquids, such as water, or eat flavored ice cream or slushy juices. We recommend using a straw to prevent the liquid from coming into contact with the canker sore.

Give your child soft, bland foods that are easy to chew and swallow. These include ice cream, custard, applesauce, cottage cheese, boiled pasta, soft boiled eggs, yogurt and cream soups.

Cut foods into small pieces, mash or puree them. This will make it easier for your child to chew and swallow food.

While the thrush is healing, your child should avoid chocolate, spicy and salty foods, citrus fruits, nuts, seeds and tomatoes. These foods may irritate and inflame the tissue.

Do not give a child two or more pain medications at the same time unless your doctor has told you to.

Use a soft-bristled toothbrush. Make sure your child brushes his or her teeth carefully and do not hesitate to call the clinic if discomfort persists and the sore does not heal.

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